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Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Ap Physics 8th Edition

Class 8 Science Chapter 8 MCQ

Class 8 Science Chapter 8 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Cell: Structure and Function updated for academic session 2021-2022 free to use. All the important questions which are given in the format of MCQ online test are useful not online periodic test but the school revision test and unit test also.

MCQ test series covers the complete chapter 8 of class 8 science. All the questioner are given in the form of MCQ quiz to play and learn in easy steps.

Class 8 Science Chapter 8 MCQ for 2021-2022

Class: 8 Science
Chapter: 8 Cell: Structure and Function
Contents: MCQ Online Test with Answers

MCQ Tests with Answers for Class 8 Science Chapter 8


Majority of cells cannot be seen directly with our naked eyes because:

[A]. Organisms are generally unicellular

[B]. Cells are microscopic

[C]. Cells are present only inside the body

[D]. Cells are grouped into tissues

Answer: Option B


A cell is the smallest and basic unit of life which has definite structure and performs a specific function. Most of them cannot be seen with naked eyes because they are microscopic (i.e., very-very small).

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Which of the following organelle is not found in the root cells of a plant?

[A]. Nucleus

[B]. Vacuole

[C]. Mitochondria

[D]. Chloroplasts

Answer: Option D


Chloroplasts are found only in those plant cells which carry out photosynthesis like the cells in green leaves. So, chloroplasts are not found in the root cells of a plant

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The correct combination of terms with reference to an animal cell is:

[A]. Cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, plastid

[B]. Cell wall, nucleus, ribosome, chromosome

[C]. Cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosome, chromosome

[D]. Cell membrane, ribosome, mitochondria, chloroplast.

Answer: Option C


The correct combination of terms with reference to an animal cell is cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosome and chromosome. An animal cell does not have a cell wall, plastic and chloroplast, but these are present in plant cells.

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Which one of the following terms is not a part of the nucleus?

[A]. Ribosome

[B]. Nucleolus

[C]. Chromosome

[D]. Gene

Answer: Option A


Ribosome is not a part of nucleus. They are found floating in the cytosol or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. Nucleus is the largest organelle in cell that contains thread-like structure is called chromosomes on which genes are present. Nucleolus is the round irregular structures present inside nucleus.

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Name the smallest cell:

[A]. Bacteria Mycoplasma

[B]. Ostrich Egg

[C]. Human Egg

[D]. Red blood Cells

Answer: Option A


Bacteria Mycoplasma is the smallest cell. The size of this cell is 0.0001 mm or 0.1 micrometre.

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A suitable term for the various components of cells is

[A]. Tissue

[B]. Cell organelles

[C]. Chromosomes

[D]. Genes

Answer: Option B


Various components of cells are called cell organelles. Tissue is a group of similar cells which work together to perform a particular function. An animal cell is cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosome and chromosome. An animal cell does not have a cell wall, plastic and chloroplast, but these are present in plant cells.

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Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The epidermal cells from a layer around the plant organs and protected the cells below from injury.

[B]. Xylem cells are the tube-like plant cell having thick and strong walls which carry water from leaves to other parts of the body.

[C]. Photosynthesis cells of the plant contain chlorophyll and prepare food by photosynthesis.

[D]. None of the above

Answer: Option B


Xylem cells are the tube-like plant cell having thick and strong walls which carry water from roots of the plant to its leaves.

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Read the following terms and select the pair that is related to inheritance of characters.

[A]. Cell wall and cell membrane

[B]. Chromosome and mitochondria

[C]. Chloroplast and cell membrane

[D]. Chromosome and genes

Answer: Option D


Chromosome and genes are related to inheritance of characters. Chromosomes are present in nucleus. They contain genes, which are unit of inheritance.

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Choose the correct statement:

[A]. Genes are located in the chromosomes.

[B]. The cell is located in the nucleus.

[C]. Chromosomes are located in the nucleolus.

[D]. Cell membrane surrounds the nucleus.

Answer: Option A


Genes are the unit of inheritance located in the chromosomes. The other statements are incorrect and their correct from are as: i)Nucleus is located in the cell. ii)Chromosomes are located in the nucleus. iii)Cell membrane surrounds the cell and nuclear membrane surrounds the nucleus.

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Green colour of leaves is due to presence of the pigment:

[A]. Chlorophyll

[B]. Ribosomes

[C]. Mitochondria

[D]. Chloroplast

Answer: Option A


The pigment chlorophyll present in the chloroplasts, which is responsible for green colour of leaves. It can absorb solar energy for photosynthesis.

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The part of a cell which plays a role in inheritance is:

[A]. Nucleus

[B]. Cytoplasm

[C]. Plasma membrane

[D]. Mitochondria

Answer: Option A


Nucleus contains thread-like structures called chromosomes. These carry genes and help in inheritance or transfer of characters from the parents to the offspring.

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Which of the following cell does not have a nucleus?

[A]. White blood cell

[B]. Red blood cell

[C]. Nerve cell

[D]. Muscle cell

Answer: Option B


Red blood cell does not have a nucleus.

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Priya is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help her:

[A]. The cell theory states that the basic unit of structure and function of all living organisms is the cell.

[B]. Every cell is covered by a thin layer of skin which is called cell membrane or plasma membrane.

[C]. Cytoplasm is transparent, jelly like materials which fills the cell between nucleus and cell membrane.

[D]. All the above.

Answer: Option D


Here, all the statements are correct. Hence, your answer will be option [D].

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Which of the following have cell walls?

[A]. Epidermal cell and Epithelial cell

[B]. Epithelial cell and Mesophyll cell

[C]. Epidermal cell and Mesophyll cell

[D]. Epithelial cell and Liver cell

Answer: Option C


Cell wall is a characteristics of plant cell only and absent in animal cell. It is an outer, rigid, protective and supportive covering of plant cells. The cell wall lies outside of the plasma membrane. Epidermal cell and mesophyll cell are examples of plant cells. Thus, they have cell wall.

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The unit of measurement used for expressing the dimension (size) of cells is:

[A]. Centimetre

[B]. Millimetre

[C]. Micrometre

[D]. Metre

Answer: Option C


Micrometre is the unit of measurement used for expressing dimension of cell.

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The most important function of the cell membrane is that it:

[A]. Controls the entry and exit of materials from cells.

[B]. Controls only the entry of materials into cells.

[C]. Controls only the exit of materials from cells.

[D]. Allows entry and exit of materials without any control.

Answer: Option A


The cell membrane controls the entry (movement into the cell) and exit (movement out of the cell) of materials. It also protects and gives shape to the cell.

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Payel is completed her science chapter where she wrote some statements. She wants to know whether the statements are correct or not? Payel wants to take help from you:

[A]. Bacteria and blue green algae are prokaryotes.

[B]. The cell having nuclear material without a nuclear membrane around it are called prokaryotic cells.

[C]. The cells having nuclear material enclosed by a nuclear membrane and eukaryotic cells.

[D]. All the above

Answer: Option D


Here, all the statements are correct. Hence, your answer will be option [D].

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The thread-like structures present in the nucleus are:

[A]. Nucleolus

[B]. Chromosomes

[C]. Genes

[D]. Ribosomes

Answer: Option B


Chromosomes are the thread-like structures present in the nucleus. They contain genes that functions to transfer the characteristics from the parents to the offsprings.

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Identify the statement which is true for cells:

[A]. Cells can be easily seen with naked eyes.

[B]. Insect's egg is not a cell.

[C]. A single cell can perform all the functions in a unicellular organism.

[D]. The size and shape of cells is uniform in multicellular organisms

Answer: Option C


A unicellular organism consists of a single cell that is capable of performing all the functions. The other statements in true form are: i)Cells cannot be seen easily with naked eyes. ii)Insect's egg is a single cell. iii)The shape and size of a cell are different in multicellular organisms.

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Which of the following is not a cell?

[A]. Red Blood Corpuscle (RBC)

[B]. Bacterium

[C]. Spermatozoa

[D]. Virus

Answer: Option D


Virus is not considered a cell. It is an exception to the cell theory and cannot survive on its own.

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Which of the following feature will help you in distinguishing a plant cell from an animal cell?

[A]. [A] Cell wall

[B]. Cell membrane

[C]. Mitochondria

[D]. Nucleus

Answer: Option A


A cell wall is the distinguishing feature between a plant cell and animal cell. It is thick wall made up of cellulose around cell membrane that exclusively present only in plant cell.

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Cheek cells do not have:

[A]. Cell membrane

[B]. Golgi apparatus

[C]. Nucleus

[D]. Plastids

Answer: Option D


Cheek cells are animal cells. So, there will be no plastids. All other cell organelles such as the nucleus, GA, ribosomes, etc., are enclosed in the cell membrane of cell.

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Identify the correct statement:

[A]. The tissue is a group of dissimilar cells.

[B]. An organ consists of similar cells.

[C]. Vacuoles are not found in plant cells.

[D]. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus.

Answer: Option D


Prokaryotes do not have a well-defined nucleus. The irregularly-shaped region that contains their genetic material is called nucleoid. The other statements in correct form are: Tissue is a group of similar cells. And organ consists of different tissues. Large vacuoles are found in plant cells.

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Identify the correct statement about cells:

[A]. All the cells have nucleus.

[B]. Cells of an organ have a similar structure.

[C]. Cells of a tissue have a similar structure.

[D]. The shape of all types of cells is round.

Answer: Option C


A tissue is a group of similar cells that work together to perform a particular function. The other statements in correct form are: i)Only eukaryotic cells have well-defined nucleus. ii)An organ is a collection of different tissues. iii)Shape of a cell depends on its function.

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In a science quiz competition, Payel is asked a question where she had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect?

[A]. Nucleus controls all the activity of cell.

[B]. Mitochondria are tiny structure of nucleus.

[C]. Gene is a unit of inheritance in living organisms.

[D]. Chloroplast are the green coloured organelles present in the plant cell.

Answer: Option B


Mitochondria are the tiny-rod shaped organelles which are found in all the cells. Mitochondria provide energy for all the activities of the cell. This energy is produced by the process of respiration in which food is broken down by oxygen. So, mitochondria use glucose and oxygen to produce energy. And in the other hand, nucleus contains thread like structure called chromosomes. Chromosomes contain genes which are the units of inheritance.

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Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Ap Physics 8th Edition
